About Aom

Hi everyone, it's Aom!

I wanted to let you know that I am no longer available for escorting. But don't worry, you can still connect with me at my new online home: Aom.MyAsianFriend.com.

What's Aom.MyAsianFriend.com?

Aom.MyAsianFriend.com is a fantastic new platform where you can stay in touch with me and meet other wonderful Asian girls and transgender individuals. Here’s what you’ll find:

  • Personal Blogs and Exclusive Pictures: I'll be sharing my personal blogs and exclusive photos that you won’t find anywhere else.
  • Private Messaging: You can send me messages directly through our secure system, and I'll be sure to respond.
  • Virtual Hearts: If you’d like to support me, you can send Virtual Hearts, which help me continue sharing my journey and special content with you.
  • Webcam Sessions: Enjoy live webcam sessions where we can interact in real-time.

I’m so excited about this new chapter and I can’t wait to connect with you on Aom.MyAsianFriend.com. Thank you for your amazing support!


PS: If you are looking for an escort for your trip to Thailand, please see my other friends listed on the Other Escorts page for a list of others who are available for escorting.

About Other Escorts

Past & VIP Client's Login ONLY

Booking Form

About Page Help

Accurate Information: The information on this page should be correct as $escort either entered it herself, or she specifically asked us to enter or change something, or a customer that saw her informed us an item needed to be changed. This information changes over time and you will see a date below any time which has changed or been corrected. If you"ve met $escort and find anything on this page to be incorrect, please email us and we will double check the information and correct if needed.

General Site Help

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Color Red: Anything with any red color is a link which will either reveal additional information or take you to another page with more information.


+ means there is more information available if you click it. This will pop down additional information.

- or is the oposite of the above. Clicking this will either compress or close the information shown.


Button Button All Panels and Buttons can be clicked to do what ever is described on the button or to open up the panel.

will scroll to top of page.


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